Friday, November 19, 2010

The Hard Working Ants

The Hard Working Ants
My brother, would never buy sweetened condensed milk in cans is not it? I am too. Each time you buy canned milk, after the can is punctured I usually keep in a bowl that has been filled with water, with intent to avoid ants.
One morning, before leaving for work, I prepare your favorite hot beverage, a glass of warm water mixed with milk tea in a can. Before pouring milk into a glass, I saw the water in the bowl where the milk was some ants that have been lifeless.
Brother, indeed a view that perhaps we usually see, a bunch of dead ants in the middle of a pool of water. But have we ever think about how wonderful mentality of the ant, although smallish but has a very large spirit. Ants know in the tin is a delicious milk, but there is a pool of water that way. Then he was swimming, although lives are at stake. And what will explain, among them there are successful enjoy milk cans, although some of them were dying.
Among the valuable lessons of God's creatures named 'ant' is the meaning of hard work. Did not we do not often get excited when a new challenge, felt herself incapable, but then we know that there is a pleasure we can get it if we get through with a good challenge. We finally
surrender themselves, accept the current state without leaving the situation and living conditions better.

Like a trip, working hard certainly is a step movement toward one goal. If we are still without any movement, of course we will never arrive at a destination. Is not the universe was moving? Imagine if the earth stopped moving, the sun is reluctant to spin, the planets and the stars keep silence, and of course we know what will happen to the universe of human life and highway. Look no stagnant water to flow, usually dirty and even can be a source of disease, then compare it with the clear river water flowing from the mountains would look more fresh soothing.

Learning the hard work of the ants, remembering a time in the history narrated that the Prophet Muhammad once kissed the hands of people who work for a timber, the Sa'ad bin Mu'az when I saw his hand rough because he works hard. Prophet Muhammad also said, "These are the two who loved God's hands." Prophet Muhammad as a true leader, would become a role model in terms of hard work. There is no possible gold civilization of the Muslims awakened the 7th century to 14 in Andalusia Spain without a working mental hard Prophet and his companions. It's not possible, Islam spread to all corners of the country if only Rasulullah and his friends sit on my hands without a hard job. In addition to working hard day and night for his people, the Prophet was narrated, sewing their own clothes, squeezing their own milk goat and serve the family. Subhanallah.
What's interesting in one of his friends to convey the Prophet, Umar ibn Khattab, "Let not any one of you sitting in the mosque and pray, 'O Allah, grant me sustenance." While he knew that the sky is not going to rain gold and silver rain. "Even Umar never reprimand someone who just sat praying in the mosque without going to work and try, only expect help from others.
Nature lazy mental attitude is not taught Prophet. Therefore, he has prayed to Allah to protect them from nature weak and lazy.
"O Allah, I seek refuge in You from anxiety and sorrow, I take refuge in the MU from weakness and laziness. I seek refuge in You from cowardice and stingy, I seek refuge in You from debt bondage and abuse other people. "
Finally, let us make every breathed the breath as our remembrance of Allah SWT. We make every movement of our steps as we beads in Him. Whatever our profession, wherever we work, whatever our status, make it as a sign of devotion to God our gratitude to God who has life and moves us.